Address Change and Contact Checklist
September 2021
A guide for use by you when moving, acting as an executor or upon separation and divorce
- Government of Canada for federal payments, including:
- Canada Revenue Agency (income tax)
- Canada Child Benefit
- GST/HST credit
- Old Age Security/ Guaranteed Income Supplement and Allowances
- Canada Pension Plan
- Employment Insurance benefits
- Civil Service Pension
- Civil Service retirement health or other benefit programs
- Provincial government, including
- Provincial government Medicare or health insurance agency
- Social assistance payments
- Civil Service Pension
- Civil Service retirement health or other benefit programs
- Taxation and Property Tax records Division for homeowners
- Credit card companies, such as
- Visa
- MasterCard
- Retail store cards (Sears, Bay, Canadian Tire, etc.)
- Accountant/tax preparer, lawyer, financial planner and investment brokers
- All creditors (notice for 6 months after death in the Royal Gazette)
- Association and club memberships
- Bank(s) and loan companies
- Canada Post for mail delivery
- Charitable organizations
- Day care centre
- Doctor, dentist, optometrist and veterinarian
- Disability/critical illness insurance company
- Electrical/hydro, heating oil/gas, cable TV and telephone companies
- Email contacts
- Employer payroll office
- Firearm Safety Certificate
- Frequent user and loyalty cards (e.g. Aeroplan, Air Miles, Shopper Optimum, hotels, etc.)
- Friends, neighbours, relatives
- Insurance companies – life, disability, long-term care, critical illness, home and auto
- Investment issuers for privately held investments, including mutual fund companies
- Landlord
- Motor vehicle license and registration
- Passport office
- Private health insurance
- School / university (including alumni)
- Subscriptions, including paper and on-line web site listings
- Warranty registrations, such as for your auto, computer and household appliances
- Sources of other income payments, such as
- Workers’ Compensation
- Employer Pension Plan
- Veterans Affairs Canada
- Overseas pension sources
- Update address data on all digital (i.e., online) web sites, such as online bank accounts, social media sites (e.g., Facebook), email hosting sites, creditors who bill you electronically (e.g., telephone and Internet providers), online retailers (e.g., Amazon) and so on. See this article on my website for two documents to review that may provide hints for ensuring you do not miss anyone – Estate Planning – An Inventory – Where is Everything? (
- Review household and office files, tax returns, incoming mail, address books (paper and on-line) bank statement deposits and other sources to identify other possible contacts.
Blair Corkum, CPA, CA, R.F.P., CFP, CFDS, CLU, CHS holds his Chartered Professional Accountant, Chartered Accountant, Registered Financial Planner, Chartered Financial Divorce Specialist as well as several other financial planning related designations. Blair offers hourly based fee-only personal financial planning, holds no investment or insurance licenses, and receives no commissions or referral fees. This publication should not be construed as legal or investment advice. It is neither a definitive analysis of the law nor a substitute for professional advice which you should obtain before acting on information in this article. Information may change as a result of legislation or regulations issued after this article was written.©Blair Corkum